Jill Surprenant



Jill Elkins Surprenant (she/her/hers) was born and raised in Castlewood, Virginia---a small community nestled in the Appalachian mountains of southwestern Virginia. Her parents were full-time educators and part-time tobacco and cattle farmers. She adored books, libraries, librarians, and bookmobiles from an early age. Her childhood dream was to become a librarian, but somehow her path was diverted and she became a High School Spanish teacher instead. She has taught all levels of Spanish for twenty-nine years, led eighteen student trips abroad with the Nantucket High School Spanish Club, and also lived briefly in Spain and Mexico. She considers the barrio Gràcia of Barcelona her home away from home.

Four years ago, Jill realized she was in need of a second act and immediately retreated to her original plan: Find a way to become a keeper of the books! She enrolled in Simmons University’s Library Science Graduate Program, and is now the full time Librarian at NHS. She is committed to multilingual literacy and the promotion of the right to read for all.

Ms Surprenant (Señora to her students) is a self proclaimed book-addict who also enjoys walking, cooking, traveling, and watching Resident Alien and other weird shows. Her favorite books are Young Adult Fiction, particularly when they feature teens who save the day---or the world! And anything written by Louise Penny. She is honored and thrilled to become a part of the Nantucket Book Foundation---an organization she has admired and aspired to since its inception.